Spiritual Practices


Spiritual Mind Treatment

An Act. An Art. A Science

Spiritual Mind Treatment is the single most important Science of Mind Practice. It is a specific methodology that puts all the Principles into practice in a systematic and intentional manner. We consciously use the Creative Process to direct Spiritual Laws to heal/change real life conditions.


Practicing the Presence

Become aware of the One Infinite Reality

To become aware of and experience the One Infinite Reality by engaging in formal, disciplined methodologies that quiet the mind/body and open awareness. Beyond these formal methodologies, it is living in alignment with our Science of Mind Principles, making these Principles evident in the way we engage in the present moment, thereby being congruent in thought, word, and behavior.

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Direct Revelation

We have access to the Infinite Wisdom

Direct Revelation is the practice of the Principles of Spiritual Being, Freedom, and Heaven. As individualized expression of the One Infinite Reality we have access to the infinite wisdom and intelligence of the Ultimate Reality. It flows through us, as us, to the degree that we become aware and conscious of the impress of Universal Spirit. Direct Revelation is available to us through our intuition and can be intentionally cultivated.



Self-Awareness is the foundation for conscious choice

The practice that illuminates our alignment with each of the Science of Mind Principles. It is the practice of being conscious of one’s motivations, internal dialogue, and hidden beliefs. It is a willingness to observe and take responsibility for one’s internal and external choices. Self-awareness is the foundation for conscious choice.



Looking for good and focusing on that good

The practice of the Principle of Creation, seeing creation as life affirming, looking for the Good and focusing on that good. Gratitude is more than an emotion; it is an attitude which carries us beyond doubt, attracting and magnifying the good that is focused upon. Gratitude accepts with perfect faith that which has not yet manifested, as if it were already here.



Claiming the same good for others that we accept for ourselves

The practice of the principles of Oneness, Spiritual Beings & Laws, and Eternal Life. Compassion respects and honors the True Nature of others, all life, and ourselves. Compassion is claiming the same good for others that we accept for ourselves. Active compassion is the practice of joining personal responsibility with social conscience for the good of all.


Intentional Manifestation

Consciously producing a definite outcome using Science of Mind Principles

Is consciously producing a definite outcome by using Science of Mind Principles to bring about a greater good, a more abundant life, a better condition than existed before. Intentional Manifestation invites us to exercise our freedom to create the life we desire.


Sacred Study

Expanding our Knowledge of the One Infinite Reality

The practice of expanding our knowledge and understanding of the Nature of the One Infinite Reality, who we are, and a deeper understanding and use of each of the Science of Mind Principles. Spiritual Study deepens our awareness of spiritual truths and provides the framework for spiritual practice. Through Spiritual Study, we gain wisdom as well as a deep appreciation for the wisdom of those who have walked a spiritual path throughout the ages.