Radiant Gaines, RScP

1) Please share a powerful insight you have gained from the Science of Mind teaching.  

Well, I tried reading the Science of Mind Textbook many times, and thinking about the 5 steps, but I didn’t really get it until I took the class with Rev. Linda. “Busting Loose From The money Game” which teaches an entirely different way to get it. It talks about how this thing, called humanity and life, is just an illusion. And! When the illusion feels big and scary, I can muster my courage and face it head on, then acknowledge it as the illusion that it is. Once I see the illusion of humanity, it loses its power to dominate my life, and falls away. Once this happens I shift the paradigm to create a world that works for everyone. 

Then after that class, I had a dream. In the dream I was riding on a train watching movies. I was joking when my friends about how funny this movie is, and if we didn’t like the movie that was playing we could change the channel and watch a different movie. But periodically, people would die, or get off the train. And be removed from “my train” 

What I see is, is this thing called life is EXACTLY my train dream. Humanity making its choice. I in my humanity making my own choice, and maybe choosing a different movie. 

2) What is a fun fact about you?  

Well, as many of you know, I used to weigh 220 lbs. I was diagnosed with Hypercholesterolemia. Which is basically bad cholesterol from a sedentary lifestyle. This felt to me like a breaking point. I started playing Pickleball (google it) playing 10-60 hours a week as my schedule allows. I also met with Rev Linda for a personal consultation, I was grateful to pay $100 to understand my body, and love myself, finally, fully and completely. After a year of playing Pickleball, I was at 140 lbs, and my doctor removed the diagnosis of Hypercholesterolemia. Now I weigh somewhere between 135-140 which is a good weight for me. My goal was size ten jeans, but I look AMAZING!!! In size 8 jeans!

3) What are your interests or hobbies?

I love Pickleball, creating, art, painting, and spinning the truth to meet my goals. There really is a positive attribute for every experience, I love to play with it all.